Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quit Buggin' Me!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Quit Buggin' Me!

I don't mean to be negative, but in the past few days, several things have annoyed me a lot and I have to share them.

Here they are, in random order (like the Miss America semi-finalist contestant order!):

1. People who wear pajamas in public. On Sunday I went to work out while Lily was napping (don't worry; Brian was home). After my workout, I ran to the bank to make a deposit. I was wearing my workout clothes (black pants, a pink tee-shirt, my new Sketchers) and was hardly a fashion plate myself. However, at least I was dressed for public and for the day. A lady pulls up in her car (she was driving way too fast, I might add) and gets out and shuffles into the bank. She is wearing plaid flannel pj pants, her coat over what appeared to be a nighttime tee-shirt, and FUZZY SLIPPERS (hence the shuffling! You know, the weird slipper-walk we all do to keep them on our feet and to show the world that we're tired and will not be bothered to lift our feet from the ground.) This situation drove me nuts. This is inappropriate. I don't want to see your night clothes unless I live with you. This practice drove me nuts in college, too. I attended a women's college and one of the favorite lines of some girls was, "I love going here because I don't have to dress up for class since there's no boys! I can just roll out of bed and go to class." Um, no. While I agree that you don't have to dress UP, you do have to GET DRESSED. I think it's a courtesy to me and other people--the professors, perhaps??--that you not show up in threadbare moon and star pjs with your effing nips showing! Nor should you go to the bank in your slippers. How long does it take to throw on some damned shoes? Less time than it has taken me to type this entry, that's for sure!

2. Old people in front of me at stores. After this bank business, I stopped at Hallmark to buy some cards (duh). There was a geriatric in front of me in line, also buying some cards. First she had a $2 coupon from a phone survey she completed. This is fine--I have nothing against coupons. The problem arose when she said, "I need the rest of the receipt. So can you just take the part of the receipt with the coupon on it?" Because, you know, it's pretty routine that one returns cards... So then the woman waiting on her (who was equally slow and annoying) had to figure out what part of the receipt she had to give back. Then, after that was accomplished, the old lady says, "Hmm. Now, we have the $2 off for the survey, and I have this rewards coupon, too." Again, the presence of the coupon is not the issue. Now the clerk is remarking to the old bag, "Oh, and you bought 3 cards, so you'll get 100 bonus points..." "I know. That's why I always buy 3. Now... I just need to know if I have enough of a total to use this $2 reward..." She did. So she hands that over, and seems surprised and slightly annoyed when, several moments later, the clerk informs her that she owes...twenty cents. "OH! I owe money. Hmmm... Well, I ALMOST got it for free." Then she takes an hour to dig out the change. As she hands it over, she says, "What the heck! I'll give you a quarter. Now YOU owe ME money! Haha." So delighted was she at her (not) cleverness. FINALLY her transaction was complete.

No, wait. "Can I have some gold stickers?" Yeah, because we wouldn't want to leave without THOSE, would we?
She was also in my way when I tried to leave. She was admiring some absurd piece of junk in the display, reading it out loud and impressed with its lame sentiment.

3. The Time-Traveler's Wife. This movie sucked. I was SO disappointed. There was relatively no character development. We never got answers to basic questions like, why is he even traveling in time? (Ok, technically, it was because of a genetic abnormality, but who had it before him? And why did the symptoms only start when he was 6? There was no mention.) Another question: why/how did he find his future wife in the first place? Something else sucky about it was that it was really hard to tell when he was his present self or future self or past self or whatever, aside from really subtle changes to his haircut or some insanely unnoticeable graying at the temples. Just so many things not good about it, I can't even note them all.

4. People on my elliptical machine at the gym. Some people believe that all of the machines at the gym are the same. This is not the case. The second one from the end is much less in the way of tension as the others, such that I'm able to get a better workout without as much leg pain. Some old dude (these old people are KILLING me lately, I've gotta say!) was on my machine last Wednesday (for a flippin' HOUR) and again on Friday. I was going to murder him. Then, today, there was some fat dude on there who I've never seen before, which means some new guy is on my machine. This will just not do. How am I supposed to get a good work out if people are on my equipment?? There's going to be blood--I'm just sayin'.

4.5. My voracious appetite post workout. I am so hungry when I finish a workout that if I don't arrive home to dinner made for me, that I will forage whatever possible. Today I consumed a piece of peanut butter bread; 2 chocolate chip cookies; 2 mini pretzels; and a fortune cookie--all immediately after doing 32:20 on the elliptical and burning about 300 calories. I'm pretty sure the cookies alone probably packed on the burned calories and then some. I feel like one of those people who works to pay the sitter; I work out to be able to come home and stuff my face. Dammit! I hate that!

5. Women who post comments as though they are their baby talking, or sign things as their-kid's-name's-Mommy. UGH! In reading my friend's blog yesterday, I also happened upon one of the responses she got. It read something like, "This reminds me of a problem my mommy and daddy had! She almost had a breakdown registering at Babies R Us!" Or something similarly nauseating. Why can't this person have simply wrote as herself? Why is it necessary to affect the personality of one's child as though this behavior is normal and/or cute and/or clever? It isn't any of those things! In addition, this person's profile name and picture are her child's name and child's picture! And it isn't just this woman. Today, while reading a piece on BabyCenter, there were several posts signed as "Cindi's Mommy" or "Sue and Tim's Mom." Come on, ladies. I have a kid. But I also have my own identity. It's possible to be a great mom and still a strong woman.
Other things that annoy me:
6. Darkness.

7. Cold rain.

8. Teenagers.

9. Sexism.

10. Double standards.

11. People who contend that global warming doesn't exist.

12. Carribean music.

13. Thieves.

14. Being pressured by someone to do things.

15. The smell of BBQ sauce.

In an effort not to be totally negative, here's some things that do not annoy me, but bring me jollity and pleasure:

1. The picture of Lily and me that I brought to school today to sit on my desk and bring me happiness when I look at it. (above)

2. Turkey taco nights.

3. Sunny spring days, and crisp fall ones.

4. Productivity.

5. Ideas clicking in my head, or profound thoughts.

6. Words.

7. Music.

8. Lily's yum-yum dance.

9. Brian's back scratches.

10. Brian.

11. Lily.

12. Blueberries.

13. Tea.

14. Lily's language that Brian and I have to decipher and its New York accent lately. ("Put it heah." "Ovah theah.")

15. Home.
Posted by Natalie M at 4:46 PM 3 comments 
Labels: annoyances

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